Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cold Kindness (Chapters 1, 2 and 3: Dieburg, Germany)


The year is 1960, spring in Dieburg, Germany.

Projection TV Lamps

Had to respond. Eventually he had to respond. The other said, the angrier he became, the more he becomes indignant. (No, he was moody, sometimes even to drink, "... and now look at him," he said, 'No, he did not see her own moody, hard .. A blind spot in the mind of Adam but' love of many errors and a person who seems to have its own power, but consumes a person sooner or later.)

"I tried, I really do not bearis no longer with him. Can I be a friend. She is the queen of emotions. "This is what he said on the night when he was with her, as he thought about what to make of their relationship, but most came during his alcohol consumption.

It 'was 10.30 clock, as usual, Carmen was half-lit by alcohol. In his mind every thought of the cursed tower Adam said (along with his call "obsessive-compulsive disorder tower hysterical"). Or so he had learned over time. Yes, it wasits tower, its tower, said to himself hundreds of times. It was like a person in custody, was not hereditary, the alcoholic part of it, and no provision for him. He used to party, she used to soothe it, escape, or rather an acquired taste, and the right kick. Football, football, everyone wants you to know: soccer. But it has to be more depressed, as a neurosis, or perhaps it was. I helped her sleep, she said, fleeing the pain of nightmaresand headache. The stuff was so damn affordable, was everywhere, where presumably. It also has a song, a nursery rhyme or watching the tower to sing, as if it were in another world to sing, Adam felt a thousand times: "The tower's death, calling the death ..." (The tower, he says, death calls death ....)"

It 'really worry about alcohol, is used because it was available. For five years he took care of him even though an increasing regularity. It was part of their spiritMake-up, part of their pessimism.

- But they would have said (and I would agree), Adam liked to drink, and drinking were a team: you will be brought to the fight, at times, a curse for others. Most people are born with a sort of aversion to things, but it can become a habit again, if you are forced down and into the system, and it seemed Adam had his days doing just that, and so did Carmen.

She was sitting in his apartment to drink vodka, singSong 'tower', like Adam in his apartment to drink: both think the trip they had last winter, both alone and Garmisch - the ratio changed, things have changed, the winter was over. It was as if, or was, as after a while 'Adam was their reason to exist. If you stay away from them what they wanted at the time wanted to do every minute they were gone, he thought the other even more. He lived in a nightmare and an alcoholicwig daydream, both dependent on each other forever.


[1960] The fog was the 12 Century Tower (as it often did) on the road in the park, where a shallow stream to come - a tributary of a river nearby - slowly and silently crept down and through the park, and then slightly down and through the city Dieburg, with parking behind the Gothic tower, the tower that looked like a large guard of a past millennium, in view of the small four archers. Not far from the tower was aPlayground for children: a rocker and a series of oscillations, not more, quite small, not many, but some children would visit this small park. And just a few meters from the river there was a bench, the only one in the park - that's all there is, do not sit even a tree stump, a single bank: for older people waiting for me, but this Carmen has been used by a lot: to think, when you think about it, through deliberate, conscious design, the park was his sanctuary, you might say. The water in the creek,Their sound has always been reassuring for them, and in the summer and spring the plush grass was intoxicating, with its various shades of green - a fuel that produces its effect very much alive, and I must add, look for the Park Tower muscle dystrophy the small cozy space, had its golden chalice, his determination, his passion.

Carmen lives on the second floor of a duplex house in front of the Park Tower (and we are going to call now, Tower Park), and when she looked out the window, shecould see the tower, the entire park, the road beneath it, and the church tower block, the meat market down the street to the north, half a block away (on the other side of the park, which could see also).

He had a small apartment, perhaps close to inconceivable 600-100 square meters in total. The food consumed hundreds of square meters of which I would say, and the bathroom that was connected to the main room was a combined living room and bedroom (which had a bed in it)was their main stay. They had a TV on one side of the room, just in front of his couch, a window above her bed, and it was quiet and comfortable - as he liked.

- When she slept through the heavy iron gate swung open the premises, went out in the fresh spring air, they went to the park, as he did every morning before work. The scent of green leaves filled his mind, his smell, the nose, driving everyone around her lungs with the sweet sentAir, air that was like, try to open your eyes wider, wider, wider, to greet the day (stunning eyes wide): did not sleep well last night, rarely did. He found himself all night, sweeping away the eyes and the dream swept into oblivion, as always, the nightmares swept into unconsciousness: but they knew what was most of them anyway, were the kind of returnees - those in the order they appear in a catatonic at times.

The park was the Park Towerglowing like a cup of hot coffee very hot in his hands, sipping a drink, as they went. Black coffee, black, to blend with the richness of fresh black dirt, coffee with a new blue sky seemed not the same, in his head, muttered: "... from the darkness comes the light, the light of darkness," he whispered, his mind's eye. Then you could drive the birds to see and to hear her sing duets soon, as they strolled the grounds, just awake,that's all awake, just to greet the day, and clearing their minds from last night. To provide a sense of life was quiet. He was grateful, very, very grateful that the thinning of the dark night has come and gone, but the gift of sleep is not easy to take: an immense gift of God, so that no one will lose and the need to discover the hard way. And 'the only time they are still alive, not dead, she told herself.

When the morning sun had risen high, seems to reflect a yellow routebetween trees and shrubs: the rays of the sun the dew that had eaten around the park, the tower has a cloak of special type: the brick tower of thick heavy looking medieval cut into thin slices with different windows, carved in foot depths of his upper body to see, were scattered in various locations around the tower. The roof was more comparable to the shelter of bamboo Asia, but the tower was as nice as it was fatal to them.

He put his hands in their pockets, he felt the key to the Pizzeria[Guest], where he was responsible, were together with pizza, beer and alcoholic drinks served as well, along with sandwiches, nothing special. It was supposed to open today, had to do some 'accounting should had done the night before. To be honest, his opinion does not really come to the pizzeria, but rather on a number of other things, especially his mother, his spirit, who lived in Frankfurt, when they would both meet at the weekend, which was first encountered Adam, she would go to a fantasyInn ribs with sauerkraut (pickled cabbage with pork) and coil (knuckle of pork) and cheese with Muski (loud, smelly cheese with vinegar-oil). And then he talked to his mother's friends before the war, and Karl Albrecht Dürer clover, play cards and then to sleep. His mother only smoked when he was in town, and asked: "A cigarette, please," and do not want a cigarette, give her, but as always, would smoke it together, as ifsomething special, they would do together before drifting off to sleep.

But now, Carmen was not to see her mother every time I do not anticipate, in part because of their ongoing relationship with Adam to sleep and in part because of their dilemma and being with her nightmares, and its intensity progress .

His assistant, Gertrude, a waitress in her early thirties, and friend, would clock in around 2.00, the time, officially opened in every case, and Günter Gunderson, a man in his late comingFifty, would show up to turn around noon on the gas stove and oven, put a little 'work in the kitchen, and make sure that the tables were for Gertrude.


Carmen Schmidt had only 20 years, well, almost 21, but not quite, I guess you could say that looked older for his age, and mature, but as a business, and was strong with numbers. About three feet and five inches tall, almost an ideal weight for their size, not thin or thick, with dark brown hair, almost black,Most of the new guests of the restaurant, it seemed to all appearances, clean and conscious reserved. His eyes were deep blue, which pitted, almost hypnotic, you should look for too long.

When Carmen leaned back in his chair in his small office in the back of the kitchen, and the side, has placed the financial books before her, then began the examination of the debts, credits and opening mail, along with controls Research and counted the money on hand had closed on the sidefrom his desk. It was 9:00 clock, had to make the deposit later, and she always did in the morning because it was too late when they closed the place at 11:00 clock.

She sat at her desk, sitting by the side of a window, the window she liked, she liked the time of day, the morning dew. It 'been a couple of days has been able to Jupiter, a red disc in the sky, a melodramatic departure for them, if not poetic to see, it occurred to her as she lit a cigarette and light from his cigarette, took in great resistance, he sucked in it - deep within her, until his stomach let slowly, as if trying to capture the moment, and the full effect of the cigarette, calming its entirety, its calming effect. At night, often ended up sitting at the window and saw the tower, the sky, the stars, check where the planets with the Earth's surface, so the calculation, the search for the planet with her [the star asked their reach] helped stellar> Projections, in fact, one would expect, sunrises and sunsets, discover constellations to identify the stars. Take your mind off of the tower and other scary things.

When he saw the window in the morning, the fog had not lifted all the way in this part of the city, his vision blurred a bit 'in the morning as you look at people actively going, some work leaving the hospital in the vicinity night shift, then tried to hurry home for a sleep, good morning.

You couldNow the taste of the cigarette and coffee in the stomach, no food in the stomach, for the most part, only smoke and coffee hours, came from the belly, neck and left a smell in the mouth, he pulled from his bag and a rubber chewed.

[Aplomb] In solitude, she now looked at his watch, he asked in German: "How late is it?" It 'was 10.30 clock, they looked out the window a second time for his green Volkswagen, who was sitting next to the building,He was proud of it. He saw the sigh of wood with the inscription: "Manager", in white, so young for a manager, she thought, but his mother knew the owner, and he did, in fact, was without a doubt, their influence on you work. He seemed so alone - the car, he thought, as they suggest, the darkness of the green is reflected like a mirror, because of course the new wax shine, "... well," she murmured to herself: It 'been a comparison deep green jade, especially whenThe morning light hit, as now, shining like now. She put her sweater tighter around her body, the heat was not this morning, and was on her as she walked inside the building was 63 degrees in coffee, has repeatedly said aloud to himself in German "Kahlt ..."( cold) and I tried to warm up.

He looked at the clock on the wall of the kitchen clock was now 11.30, so he said, Gunter, and Mr. Gunderson would come inhalf an hour. He began to daydream, get excited about his small apartment, and when to move completely out of the park and the tower, from Dieburg, but she loved him so much, except for the nights. But he was often asked, would be different in another city? And the answer was always: "No," the window of his apartment and gave a good overview of everything, especially the tower.

Now he could hear a couple of horns from passing cars is played,seemed to push his way out of daydream, can be found in the dining room with its paperwork. Often they had to leave the office, just because it would Günter Fussing about cooking and had to clean his office also (in progress), and would have left, making his way, he would not otherwise do a good job, so put their documents and letters on one of the many tables in the dining room to complete their reports and other requirements.

As he sat behind a long table, they sawabove the dining room: It does not need a whole range of cleaning, they said. She went home early last night, and she had to do a quick job in the handle, and Gunter follow them this morning.

Gunter was a veteran, a German soldier who fought in World War II with Hitler, or rather, in his army, for which he has never met with the leaders in person, but he had seen a speech as he did once and I thought to be deeply disturbed, even if it does not use thisWords, he felt sure that the end of the war that Hitler was a dark, deeply personal agenda for Germany, Günter motivation had crushed a soldier, was clear. He had also read Mein Kampf, but the Third Reich led the race promised teacher, not as a projection of Hitler when he went over a thousand times, all based on fear. That is, how to get the men go to war, he said, over and over again, but if you're young, that intelligence is anot on those fingers. But he had not paid taxes in an American camp after the war, and it was felt that, even though Carmen was never sure how he took it as a Jew.

Gunter was a man short and stocky, with a sort of superficial type of smile, if that's what it might mean, in the absence of a better description. And she was never sure whether they liked the German-Jews - or Jews, as they should, but could not he, who in one way or another, a thought that is the opposite;Gertrude did not matter, was the owner, Schulman Adolph, a German Jew, was just like Carmen, who has lost everything in the war, and somehow along this structure just pizza. The war was little more than 15 years. I mean, it was not so far in the past: the painful memories were still alive and well impressed by the people stationed in Dieburg in Germany, for the most part, especially compared to American soldiers.

There was a noise at the front door,Carmen, Günter saw that it was fumbling with his keys and tried to open the door, fumbling all the time, was expected of him, and he did not, Carmen would have to look twice to make sure it was him could see the top of his bald head, not completely bald, but close to it.

He came to

After a moment, the door, he saw Carmen as he expected to see her, when she went home early the night before - lost all worn out.

"Hello!" said MissSchmidt, strong, a smirk or a smile came over his face as he looked to move halfway to the kitchen, could never be distinguished Carmen smiles and smiles, because for her, since both the same with her.


Günter where chintz and quietly began to do his duty. He lit the stove and the gas ovens, lacquered wood tables wiped down. He had little time to talk, dialogue or idol, and normally would not find any research to be carried out. He was a man of fewTraining, but it seemed in life, where he has always put his foot to fix things for him, which would be the war, the largest of its businesses to survive. He himself said he did not care for a Jew, until paid, and a beautiful young Jewish woman to do so. But he was never sure how she felt about him, so yes, it was a little 'park, and felt that keeping the state safer for all involved in the restaurant, for the most part anyway. He lived with the thought that some people are workingto play at work, to others, and the other was not, and he came to work. He knew that his father German SS were killed in 1944 when he was only four years, so he thought he had good reasons to stay guarded. It was his philosophy: a woman can be hated or that you liked was not among them. All in all, he did not want to animate any type of discontent in the back, and he knew he had to do a lot. It was taken a few years before they cameon board, I mean, it was only the manager for less than a year, and the boss was a friend of the family (his family, that is), is but as always, he said, but that's just the breaks It is not, you know, what.

He now retired to the back of the kitchen until basil, pomadoro smell him his wealth, his pizza sauce, then began thickened with tomato paste, cutting the red sauce with more tomato that had already made great mix inBowl, a red sauce that starts hot on the tongue, with garlic, mushrooms, peppers, was he was sorting meat, chop ham, sausage, salami, set it aside, along with a host of various other ingredients to make the pizza, it was all preparatory work for the moment and on the side of the dough, he moved the cheese - then Carmen came down the corridor, the corridor to get fresh air, the dining room seemed to be hot todaythat the ovens were on and the kitchen door open.

Cold Kindness (Chapters 1, 2 and 3: Dieburg, Germany)